Monday, March 20, 2006
I also blew glass this past weekend and learned a few new things this past Saturday that made making bowls easier for me on Sunday to make them. So the whole weekend that is all I made one bowl after another. I also made 2 plates which is a first for me and one is round (shocker) the other one is off a little due to the frit that I placed in the plate did not get hot enough to smooth out and move.
I will get some time here soon to get some new pictures of the my handmade blown glass work.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Wonders who even looks here!!!
I have not been able to get to the glass shop since I was last there and I am going back on Friday. So the pieces that were made on Sunday will finally get picked up and I am just waiting to see how they turned out. I got a few ideas to try but nothing shocking. I plan on trying to make a plate and maybe use some bar stock since I have never done that in a piece.
Monday, March 06, 2006
More of Saturday's Glass

Ok here are some more of Saturday's Glass pieces.
Here is the second MUG that I attempted to make. It is white with black optic mold then spun just a little....well a lot. But this was my second attempt at a hand it came out ok just alittle off stright but you can still use it not that much off.
I learned something about black....There is no real black when it comes to glass it is either a really dark blue or a really dark purple.
Well here is the next peice of glass and the final one of the day. It is a bowl with the oppisite striation deal. It again did not work out well dont know if it was the colors or the maker. Most likely the maker. Then again it is still really nice. I used a yellow one of the guys had at the shop not really sure of the actuall name of the yellow but it is yellow and a firn green. I really like this peice the two colors are really nice. The piece is about 8 to 9 inches around and about 7 or 8 inches high. Well that is all I have for Saturday except fo the MUG that I dont have yet but more to come as soon as I can get over to the shop and pick them up. If not this weekend it will have to be the weekend after that when I back for my second run in the shop this month. I am so glad I get in more this month.
Saturday Shop Time!!

First there is a bowl that I tried to make out of copper ruby red that turned out nice alittle smaller than I would have like but still a nice little peice. Here is a shot from the side and then one from the top. This one is only about 4 inches high and about 5 to 6 inches around.

Second here is another bowl with something I have never tried again using the optic mold and making the striation of the two colors in oppisite directions. It did not work out that well it is something I am going to have to work on to get them to stay put on the first color. This bowl has the copper ruby red and iris gold in it for the two different colors. The peice is about 6 or 7 inches around and about the same in height. My spin out is getting alittle better but still needs work.

Friday night!!!

The first on is from the side it is not a big glass but the picture does not do it justice. The outside has a reducing iris gold that does not show up on the picture. I was disappointed in the glass in the point that the optic in the glass did not come out. If you look closely on the far picture you can make out the small striation that the gold what supposed to have that did not make it when it got reduced. No a big deal but not what I was looking for in the glass. IT HOLDS WATER!! That is all that counts when I have not been in the shop for over a month and a half.