Ok as of last post a lot has happened..... I was at the shop and made some more glass. On a good side I was asked to assist in teaching newbies at the shop. To me this is a great honor due to myself being somewhat of a newbie. This will allow me to offset my shop time with teaching and not have to pay as much out of pocket. Which as a result means more time over all. Now for pictures right after the last post I went looking for the camera and could not locate it. It has been found and pictures taken of the older stuff. As for the things made here lately I have not had time to take pictures of them yet. I will try and do that tonight and post again with pics. Till then......
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
ok one quick post..
OK have not posted in a few weeks..... Well since the past post I received my new 3/4" blow pipe and made a few pieces with it. Also had some shop time to make some slightly bigger things. Also make a trip back to Florida for the thanksgiving holidays to see the in-laws. I will try and get some photos up tonight. I am just slammed. BUT will try my best to get it done.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Ok got the order into Steinert for the .75" blow pipe that I have been wanting for a time now. It will work perfect for making ornaments. I needed this pipe due to the shop only having one of them and that the students are not allowed to use it. I think I could use it if I asked but truthfully why ask when I want one of my own anyways? This make the who idea of blowing glass even more really to me. I am like a kid in a candy store that has to go to the bathroom but can not leave the store so I am jumping around doing the pee pee dance. Then I ordered the pipe it said 2 to 3 weeks for the pipe to get to me. But after talking to Steinert, which by the way very nice people over the phone, they informed me that they had gotten some in and happen to have 4 extra .75" pipe in the order. LUCKY ME!!!! So the Pipe shipped November 1st and should be here by the end of the week. Which this works out great for me due to me going to be in the shop this weekend. Their for going to break in the new pipe on the maiden voyage this coming up weekend. It is all that I can think about and I need the week to just fly by and the pipe to get here and BAM it is party time. The only thing that could really make this better is if I were in the Shop in P-cola for this event in Scott's Shop. That would be really cool. Well that will hopefully be Christmas time. It will be strange to blow glass in the big brothers back yard. Every time I think about it I find myself thinking like an evil troll looking at a jewel that he finds in some hiding place while rubbing hand over hand with evil little grin of greed. Well till the next time "Keep it Centered" and "Heat is your friend"
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Ok the wounderful world of the pumpkin
Wow this picture does not show the light transparent green of the pumpkin nor the gold stem of the pumpkin.
OK these are the pumpkin paperweights that I started to make which turned out pretty well for small gifts due to they are quick and easy to make and seems like everyone likes them.
ok plates and glasses...
OK plates and glasses lets see what we got here. This first plate is really funny a mistake that turned out to be really great. It is heliotrope with some alabaster. It really looks cosmic to me. Also one of the girls I blow glass with was using some splinter dicro and it left dicro splinters all over the marver. Therefore when marving the piece it picked up the splinters and really makes the piece nice. One picture from the top and one picture from the side.

OK this I am not even sure about this plate. All I can tell is that the bottom was tobacco brown but the other brown I am not sure of the color.

These are two glasses that I made this last Friday night which turned out pretty good. I really like the one on the right, the one on the left is a little big around but like the height of the glass.
OK this I am not even sure about this plate. All I can tell is that the bottom was tobacco brown but the other brown I am not sure of the color.
These are two glasses that I made this last Friday night which turned out pretty good. I really like the one on the right, the one on the left is a little big around but like the height of the glass.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
OK Vases
OK the first are older vases and the two last ones are more recent...
OK this is a olive green vase with a jade green lip wrap.
This on is a lapis blue vase with a alabaster wrap.
This is some kind of yellow don't remember what kind of yellow but tried a new thing with a double lip wrap which turned out pretty nice. I call this the bumble bee vase.

This is one of the new vases one of the biggest pieces as far as a vase goes that i have ever made. It is just a heliotrope bar stock and decided to see how big i could actually stretch this vase out.

This is some green I got from C&R loo and don't think I like it very well as a solid piece but may be OK if it was some sort of wrap. The heliotrope vase next to it and a drinking glass.
This is one of the new vases one of the biggest pieces as far as a vase goes that i have ever made. It is just a heliotrope bar stock and decided to see how big i could actually stretch this vase out.
This is some green I got from C&R loo and don't think I like it very well as a solid piece but may be OK if it was some sort of wrap. The heliotrope vase next to it and a drinking glass.
and even more pictures..
Lets see the first on is somewhat older than the next one ...it is 2 different blues as you can see now what the are is a good question. I think it is Caribbean Blue and Sky blue.
These two are what I like to call Fire bowl and Fire Glass. They are fun to make just take forever due to all the colors and all the optic mold stamping you have to do to get this look. But when done it is all worth it.
More pictures....
This one here is my attempt at a pitcher ....it was not that bad for my first try at it. May or may not try this again.
Here is a mixture of things on one of the shelves in the house.

Another cane attempt this one is a bowl.

This is another bowl about as big around as a volleyball or maybe a little bit bigger around and about 10 inches tall. (White and Tobacco) Below is the inside
of the bowl showing the ribbons going the opposite direction of the ribbons on the outside.
Here is a mixture of things on one of the shelves in the house.
Another cane attempt this one is a bowl.
This is another bowl about as big around as a volleyball or maybe a little bit bigger around and about 10 inches tall. (White and Tobacco) Below is the inside
Here we go.......Picture time!!
Ok pictures....
OK I was going to put a ton of pictures up of older stuff and new stuff but forgot that the cord for the camera is at my office. Therefore I am off to the office and diner with the wife..... If I can pull myself from the TV tonight I will load the pictures on to the computer so that I can post. But was a good weekend at the shop made a 2 pumpkins and a glass on Friday night, Saturday was not bad either made a vase drinking glass with some cane which I will have to say is not as easy as it looks to do, another pumpkin and a pretty good plate/serving dish. Today was not bad till one of the girls in the shop brought up that no one had dropped a single thing all weekend and what happens bam there goes the bowl right off the punty. All I could do is give her an evil look then just laugh about it. But on the other hand got two really nice vases and pretty good size pumpkin and a FUBAR pumpkin... I was trying to use powders and clear wrap but just could not get the heat right and basically blow the pumpkin all lop sided and when I put the stem on it was not hot enough and did not want to stay on the piece so what happened....... It got put away with a messed up shape and an even more messed up stem. But 3 out of 5 for a day is not bad. Will take pictures of the stuff from Friday and Saturday due to not having the stuff from today---tonight. I promise will post as soon as I can with a ton of pictures.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
At the shop..
Well I finally got some picture taken at the shop. Now I made a few things and they were not all that it was an off weekend. But on the other hand I got some pictures to post...
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
OK sorry for being gone.....
A lot of things have happened since the last post.. Went to Florida to help Gnat(brother) with the shop. Went to town on that place. Looks from his pictures that he is getting closer to being done. Been to the glass shop here once. Which sucked royally. I maybe made 3 pieces that were worth a darn. Finished kitchen finally. Wife got in a car accident and totaled the car. woohoo now I get to buy a new car when I really don't have the money. But bought the car that she wanted a 2003 VW bug.... I really could not pass it up with 40k miles and a price tag of 10,700 ---2.0L turbo 5 speed it does move pretty good for a little car. I promise when I get my head out of my butt I will get pictures up of some thing that are recent. Got pumpkins and few other things. Pictures of the finished kitchen that I redid and also the pool that was redone. Till then have fun and keep it turning.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
C&R LOO oh crap.....
Oh forgot to mention the trip to C&R on Saturday..... OH crap is just an understatement due to buying sheet glass for the kitchen back splash and overhead light, I bought a lot of color and the bill was around a grand...... OH crap is not the words that came out when he told me the total but it is what it is.... Bought somethings for Gnat to give him when I go back that he asked for and somethings that he did not ask for so we will see what happens. I bought like colors he wanted ....things for wraps that react things like that. But damn a grand is a lot of glass for me.
Sorry been really busy trying to get things done here at work and going out of town on Thursday to get back to Florida. Well lets see what was last here ........ I will have to take some pictures of things from the last couple of times in the shop. Last week I was there and it was just all crap. I could not make a glass for my life so I decided to go big and that did not work. I think I might have gotten a couple of glasses and maybe a bowl if that was even possible. But I will get some pics up in the next few days if the new computer comes in before leaving for Florida. If not they will have to wait unless i get some time before leaving. But between the kitchen remodel, the pool remodel, parties to show everyone, and work I have just not had much time but everything is going to slow down as soon as I get back from Florida so things I have put off will so get caught up on. The blog is one of them and remodel of the bathroom is next but got to finish the kitchen. Just minor things to finish like paint and light in the kitchen things like that. Will post all kinds of pictures when it is all over and done with. Pool, kitchen and glass on new shelves. And new glass that was made! Also may have some new glass from Florida if I got time to blow with Big Brother. Never have made a damn thing when I am there due to never getting used to the glory hole there but excuses excuses I know. But here soon I promise.
Till then keep it turning, gravity is your friend, and if it looks cold it is still hot I promise!!
Till then keep it turning, gravity is your friend, and if it looks cold it is still hot I promise!!
Friday, May 11, 2007
unhappy days...
OK making this short not like anyone reads this damn thing anyways..... It has been hell here in Cali for the past month or so. The only good thing is my parents came out to visit. I work to much to get anything else done when in the shop I am so tired I really done make anything worth a crap. (well worth anything to me) Need to go big to get the stress out but just don't have the energy. Most of the time wishing I could move back home to Florida to help parents and brother get stuff done, start my own biss. Things like that!! I has started to really dawn on my how moronic people around me are and just makes me mad. Working 90 to 100 hours a week just puts you in this kind of mood. Well hopefully I can get over to the shop this weekend to pick up the crap from last weekend that I made and yes I mean crap. I can not even remember what I made I was such in a daze when I made it. But getting into the shop is hard so when I get in and can barely function I still go just don't do what I always want to do. Sometime working hard just does not pay. I don't own a car .....I somewhat own a house......and that is about all i have to show for the past 7 years???? Tell me that does not suck. But hopefully this is just a funk and it will past and I can jam out some work and in August maybe get some time off. We will see I guess. Till then Gravity is your Friend and if it does not look on the end of a pipe I beat it still is....
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Pictures to take..
I got new glass to take pictures of but just have not been able to get the pictures taken. Got to work doubles this week, so when I get a chance will get the pictures taken and downloaded.
On the up side my parents are coming out to California from Florida at the end of the week and the Studio will be doing a demo so they will get to meet the owner of the shop and get to see him do some work.
Till then...."Gravity is your friend..."
On the up side my parents are coming out to California from Florida at the end of the week and the Studio will be doing a demo so they will get to meet the owner of the shop and get to see him do some work.
Till then...."Gravity is your friend..."
Monday, April 09, 2007
Quick before and after of the kitchen....
Keep in mind that I did all the demo and install of the cabinets, sink, counter top, plumbing, gas, microwave all myself to save some money. And to pat myself on the back it looks damn good.
This is the right side and the left side before my remodel.

Here is the Right and left side about 90% of the way done from my remodel.

Right now I still have to get a new Dishwasher to match but that is going to have to wait I have officially ran out of money. But granite counter top, new cabinets, new range with I will post a picture of when I finish the install. I had to rerun some gas line and find a way to mount the microwave/hood without having a cabinet. Oh snap that left pic does not even have the counter top in it. OK will have to get some new pictures but everyone gets the idea. Really busy now and have lots of stuff to finish at home but after a 85 hour week it is just hard to function sometimes. Well got glass time this coming up weekend so that is always good. Till them Gravity is your friend and keep it turning........
This is the right side and the left side before my remodel.

Here is the Right and left side about 90% of the way done from my remodel.

Right now I still have to get a new Dishwasher to match but that is going to have to wait I have officially ran out of money. But granite counter top, new cabinets, new range with I will post a picture of when I finish the install. I had to rerun some gas line and find a way to mount the microwave/hood without having a cabinet. Oh snap that left pic does not even have the counter top in it. OK will have to get some new pictures but everyone gets the idea. Really busy now and have lots of stuff to finish at home but after a 85 hour week it is just hard to function sometimes. Well got glass time this coming up weekend so that is always good. Till them Gravity is your friend and keep it turning........
Here we go with a wam bam thank you mam post...
Going to through up some Glass pics and some home improvement pics as well. Due to me being lazy after work and then working at home this is what you get.

Here is another set of new colors Aqua Marine Blue with a granny apple green. I like this combo but is a little hard to work with due to it going crazy really quickly.

OK here is a few vases that I made the last time in the shop. The first one is a black with a jade wrap. the Second on is a lapis blue with celadon wrap. The Third one is a light blue with a yellow wrap. I wish I would not have wrapped this one due to the inside looking soooo neat but did not know it was going to look that way till I transferred to the punty.

First is a Blue adventuring glass then a large garnet ornament and last in this group is the yellow and red flutter bowl.
OK here is two of my new colors in a bowl I think they are steel blue and a canary yellow.

OK here is a few vases that I made the last time in the shop. The first one is a black with a jade wrap. the Second on is a lapis blue with celadon wrap. The Third one is a light blue with a yellow wrap. I wish I would not have wrapped this one due to the inside looking soooo neat but did not know it was going to look that way till I transferred to the punty.

This is canary yellow with at lapis blue wrap and some pictures of the new shelves at the house where I am placing all the glass I have made.
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