Monday, February 27, 2006
Just Waiting .......
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Getting out of the Grove!
Monday, February 13, 2006

This glass is part of my new goal in making glasses. Shorter and wider!! I made about 3 or 4 of them all about the same size but all different colors. This one did not make it out of the shop...well it did make it out of the shop but the bottom of the cup has a fracture along the bottom and most likly will not hold water. I must have not got it off the puntie fast enought and the knock off broke the bottom. Seems to be an ongoing problem for me. It will become something that I will use to hold things like pens, change or something of that sort.

There are the other three that I got out of the shop. Theses all made it and seems like everyone that sees them they want them. I would have to say these are the 3 best glasses that I have made to date. Short, wide, and thin well kind of thin about 1/4 to and 1/8 inch thick. Which is very good for me sense, for me getting into the shop is almost imposible, and getting expensive.
There are a few other pieces that are around the house like peppers and small bowls that I have made at some point in time but this should give some sense of what stage I am at with my work. I finally get to get into the shop next month so some new stuff with come up and maybe try and get some things that I have never tried to make.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
OK I forgot about these..

I made these some time .... not really sure when they were made. the two vases are nice and it seems like people would like to take them off my hands but not really sure on how much to get for them. The black on white small bowl is one of my favorites. Put candy, peanuts and knick-knacks on the coffee table.
Ok when I get alittle more time again I will post some more recent pictures of the stuff I have made.
Lets see now...
Here are some more!!

Here is round number two... these are some of the glasses that I have been making don't really remember the dates of making all these glasses but the goal that I have made for myself is to get all the glasses in the house to be made by me and through out

I have started to get the hang of making glasses to a point. Most of the glasses are alittle tall and skinny. So I have started to make a new goal of making glass that are more short and wider. Due to the fact that a few of the glasses that I have made are too talk to be put in the cabinet.

More to come!!
Found time!!

Ok here we go... This is a small glass bowl about 4 inches high 4 to 5 inches around. It is alittle bit flintstone but still a very nice ice cream bowl. It has a nice weight for an ice cream bowl.
Ok I think this was the same weekend of blowing glass that I made this piece. It is an ok piece with a lot of strange colors and little dicro in the mix. Also this was the first piece that I ever placed a drop foot on to help stablize the piece.
Ok here is the next glass that I made it is one of the better glasses that I have produced from my little time making them. It is about 5 to 6 inches high and about 5 inches in diameter. This is what I think was my fist successful glass that I have made for the fact that is only about 1/4 inche thick.
More to come will take some pictures and add more in the next half an hour or so....
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Just taking time to get here!!
Oh here is a link to my brothers blog with the glass he makes which is very impressive!!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
First things first!

Well here is the very first thing I made all my myself in the shop here in Cali. It is crazy thick I droped it the other day from about 4 or 5 feet from the hard wood floor and it bounced. I laughted so hard because it did not break that my stomach hurt for 3 days.

To the left is some paper weights that I started with and now I just have sitting on the shelf taking up room. Nothing fansy just a blob of glass.

Ok here is about 3 months later when I was able to get into the shop again due to the amount of people that are trying to get into the shop time is rare and hard to come by. I placed the coffee cup in there to give some hieght of the glasses in perspective.

Here are some more paperweights that I have done. The two on the left I will admite was a great idea that my brother(Gnat) developed and makes a really cool look in the glass.
Ok running out of time I will get some more recent pic maybe tomorrow if I can find the time to take the pitures and post them.