This glass is part of my new goal in making glasses. Shorter and wider!! I made about 3 or 4 of them all about the same size but all different colors. This one did not make it out of the shop...well it did make it out of the shop but the bottom of the cup has a fracture along the bottom and most likly will not hold water. I must have not got it off the puntie fast enought and the knock off broke the bottom. Seems to be an ongoing problem for me. It will become something that I will use to hold things like pens, change or something of that sort.

There are the other three that I got out of the shop. Theses all made it and seems like everyone that sees them they want them. I would have to say these are the 3 best glasses that I have made to date. Short, wide, and thin well kind of thin about 1/4 to and 1/8 inch thick. Which is very good for me sense, for me getting into the shop is almost imposible, and getting expensive.
There are a few other pieces that are around the house like peppers and small bowls that I have made at some point in time but this should give some sense of what stage I am at with my work. I finally get to get into the shop next month so some new stuff with come up and maybe try and get some things that I have never tried to make.
Coming alone veddy nice. I guess at some point once I get the "home site" back to where I would like it will will move everything there as a group.
Stuff looks great bud. I can't wait to do it again with you. I am trying to plan a trip out there.
Also what you might try next time your in the shop is to do a spider web effect. The White enamel that you used in the black and white glass will work great for this. Here is what you do. Get the enamale white powder on the marver, then the black (or any other color for that matter) and lay it out as well. This works best with only 2 colors but it can yield interesting results with three as well if the first and second colors are both enamel based (that means they have high lead content).
Anyway, get all the glass on the punty that you are going to use. Once you know that your not going to be dipping into the furance for more glass shape up your piece like a big bullet. You know angled on the business end, and straight walled on the sides...maybe a little angle if you like.
Then heat that bastard up until it is really moving around, and get just a metrix truck load of white on that bad boy, don't forget the tip! Do this at least twice. Now give it a medium to light heat just enough so you know it will pick up a good amount of the next color but not a huge amount. This will take some tinkering with to get it perfect but start lighter than you think and work up the amount of color on the following pieces to get the desired level of "perfect" color that you like.
So in short heavy enamel white, light to medium color, heat in. Keep in mind you don't want this very blown out when you applying this color. The more that you can blow out after you have gathered the color the more this will have. So just keep a golfball size bubble in it until all your color is on the piece.
Now just work the piece like your normally would. You will notice after it gets color and reheated a couple of times the top color will kind of do a spider web, or oil slick kind of effect. I personally like the colbalt blue on white, red on white, or black/purple on white. Dark colors on the white look that best.
I would like to see a picture when you done!
PS. if you look at the black glass on the bottom it started to do this a little bit, but when you encase the colors it makes them kind of wash out.
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