Well here is the very first thing I made all my myself in the shop here in Cali. It is crazy thick I droped it the other day from about 4 or 5 feet from the hard wood floor and it bounced. I laughted so hard because it did not break that my stomach hurt for 3 days.

To the left is some paper weights that I started with and now I just have sitting on the shelf taking up room. Nothing fansy just a blob of glass.

Ok here is about 3 months later when I was able to get into the shop again due to the amount of people that are trying to get into the shop time is rare and hard to come by. I placed the coffee cup in there to give some hieght of the glasses in perspective.

Here are some more paperweights that I have done. The two on the left I will admite was a great idea that my brother(Gnat) developed and makes a really cool look in the glass.
Ok running out of time I will get some more recent pic maybe tomorrow if I can find the time to take the pitures and post them.
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