Saturday, July 22, 2006

Optic Mold Pieces....

Here are my new creation here with the new optic mold. I have made these two bowls. This one is mandarin orange, canary yellow, and steel blue.

This bowl is garnet red, mandarin orange, canary yellow, and some kind of light blue. I like these group of colors it turned out well. Just needed more red on the bottom but still turned out great!

Ok this is an iris Orange so they say but it does not turn orange in anyway at all. It seems like it is a great piece due to everyone likes it and wants it for some reason.

More Pictures...

Ok here is a Vase that I made at some point in time not really sure when it was made. It has Silver Blue in the inside and a light purple frit on the outside of the piece.

Ok I bought a new optic mold to use at the shop. Of course I was so excited to get the mold I forgot to even take a picture of the mold. But it is a 12" high 8b I think it is called it looks like the one posted on Gnat's page. If very fun to use....I have been making a lot of pieces with it. As you can see from the following pictures.
Above is a Steam Stick I guess you would call it. It was made from a paper weight to form a a bubble inside the paperweight. I made this so that I could place scented oil inside the piece and put in the house as an air freshener unit.

OK some pictures.....

Ok here is a little catch up here with the pictures....... This is a piece that was made by either me or my brother don't really remember. But it is a really thin piece. It was great that he had a chance to come out to California and see the shop that I get to rent out and hopefully he really liked it.

Ok here is a few more pieces from the same day that I made some glass here at the shop with my brother. Was one of the best times that I have had making glass due to showing my brother I am not a total loser at making glass and I do have a little skill.