Monday, March 06, 2006

Saturday Shop Time!!

Well at the start of the day it was going awsome for me. The first peice was one I have not made before. A "Mug" I have made glasses but never placed a handle on anything before so this was new to me. BUT due to the lear not being all the way cool from the night before with the big vase in it I was forced to place it in the baby lear. I dont have a picture of this mug yet due to on Saturday night the controls for the cool down were not set and the peice stayed warm all night long. On the other hand all the other stuff from Saturday I picked up Sunday. And here we go.

First there is a bowl that I tried to make out of copper ruby red that turned out nice alittle smaller than I would have like but still a nice little peice. Here is a shot from the side and then one from the top. This one is only about 4 inches high and about 5 to 6 inches around.

Second here is another bowl with something I have never tried again using the optic mold and making the striation of the two colors in oppisite directions. It did not work out that well it is something I am going to have to work on to get them to stay put on the first color. This bowl has the copper ruby red and iris gold in it for the two different colors. The peice is about 6 or 7 inches around and about the same in height. My spin out is getting alittle better but still needs work.

1 comment:

Ade said...

hi! came across ur blog. ^-^
I kinda like the second glass plate you have here. neat!

Post more pictures!!!