Sunday, April 30, 2006

Season is starting up....

Ok my job is kicking in to gear and time is running out..... I have taken pictures of the glass but have not had the time agian to sit down and download them. I have a few pics of the glow snot and they are hard to get with this camera for some reason. Still waiting for bro to get back to me on when he is going to make it out here so that I can get the shop here for a day. I am looking forward to him getting out here. So that I can take some time off and also blow some glass with him here. Also due to my job he will see some of the stuff that I have done not only the glass but also what I do for a living soooooo till them "Gravity is your friend.."



Is it sync'd yet? said...

Work sucks. Commitments have me down. I am making it over the hump and will let you know when I am able to see out more than the next day.


Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.